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Stem Voice

2017 STEM Voice Video Competition


The STEM Voice™ Video Competition is nationwide opportunity for students in grades 5 - 12 to

artistically explore the importance of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

The competition encourages creativity and the use of video to show how much students love STEM.

Act it out, create an animation, sing it - but make sure it is appropriate for all ages.


One semifinalist from middle school (grades 5-8) and one semifinalist from high school (grades 9-12) will be selected from each of the three regions, in both an individual or group category. Group entries must be part of a class project or school-affiliated club. Regional semi-finalists and one National Grand Prize group winners will be selected and awarded cash prizes to support the club and/or classroom STEM-related project. One National Grand Prize Winner will be selected from each of the semifinalist categories.


The STEM Voice™ Video Competition is managed by the Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes, CSBI, a group of non-profits focused on life sciences education, entrepreneurship and workforce development.


Download the StemVoice Flyer here.

The application period for STEM Voice 2017 has ended.





​​​​To Enter the Competition

Step 1: Be Creative. Tell us why STEM is important to you – OR - who your STEM hero is and why. Also be sure to include in your video what STEM is - OR - explore the interdisciplinary nature of STEM.


Step 2: Create your video! Your video will be available on the CSBI website after uploading. Videos over 60 seconds will receive a zero, so make sure you’re under a minute!


Step 3: Complete the application and upload your video. This application is required for all submissions. Please fill out the form with a parent, legal guardian or school representative - they will need to consent to a multimedia release and accept the terms and conditions. Once we announce the Regional Semifinalists we will add your video to our playlist housed at the Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes (CSBI) website.


VIDEO UPLOAD: Only MP4 or MOV files will be accepted for the competition. No PowerPoint presentations or online video from sites such as YouTube PowTune will be accepted.



East Coast Competition - includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, and Puerto Rico

Contact: MdBio Foundation, Attn: Jennifer Colvin 

Download the regional flyer


Central Competition - includes Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wisconsin

Contact: Iowa Biotech Association, Attn: Melissa Moyer

Download the regional flyer


West Coast Competition - includes Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, and Washington Administration
Contact: Biocom Institute, Attn: Liisa Bozinovic,

Download the regional flyer



Regional individual winners in age division - $250 cash
Regional group winners in each age division - $450 cash to your club/school
Regional winners eligible for National Grand Prize - $150 for individuals/ $250 for groups


Must be in grades 5-12 and under 18 years of age
Middle School contest is students in grades 5-8; High School context of for students in grades 9-12
Entries accepted in both individual and group categories
Resident of United States or their territories
Cannot be related to employees of STEM
Voice™ Video Competition

March 15, 2017 Applications Accepted
May 22, 2017 DEADLINE for Submission of Videos
June 9, 2017 Regional winners announced
June 30, 2017 National winners announced


Click here to view past winners.

© Copyright 2020 CSBI Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes | All rights reserved.

Website Manager: Tel: 1.404.920-2042  |  Fax: 1.404.448.3982  | Terms and Conditions

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